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Paul's Prayer for Revelation (Eph 1:17-20)

The power of prayer can not be overstated. Jesus tells us that by our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned (Matt 12:37). The word of God is what the entire cosmos was created by. The words we say to others, ourselves, and God matter.

In the beginning of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts powerful words of prayer over the church. The words of the Apostle are divinely inspired, and we would do well to meditate on them and pray them aloud. Below I have adjusted the structure of Paul's words (Eph 1:17-20) into a personal tone, so that we can pray this prayer out to God over ourselves.

O God of Jesus Christ,

Father of glory,

may you bestow upon us the Spirit of wisdom

and the Spirit of revelation in your knowledge.

May you enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we may know

the hope to which you have called us,

that we may know what are the riches of your glorious inheritance in the saints,

and that we may know what is the immeasurable greatness of your power

toward us who believe according to the working of your great might,

that you worked in Christ when you raised him from the dead

and seated him at your right hand in the heavenly places.


Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for,

it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

Matt 18:19

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Deb Hill
Deb Hill
Jan 18, 2024

I love Matt. 12:37 referenced and the prayer from Eph. 1. The words of the Pharisees condemned them because they displayed the evil of their hearts. But if we are praying the Word, we display Him. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my hear be pleasing to You...." We sang that a lots in the good old days.


Sheila Flynn
Sheila Flynn
Jan 15, 2024

Oh Divine Jesus bestow your wisdom and enlighten our eyes


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