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It is Finished (John 19:30)

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit - John 19:30

King Jesus, as this Holy Week comes to a close, we honor You and remember Your sacrifice.

You stepped down from Your throne of glory and humbled Yourself by taking on the form of a slave.

You were beaten and mocked to earn our salvation.

By the stripes on Your back our souls have been healed.

You transformed the Cross from being an ancient symbol of death to an eternal symbol of life.

Help us God to bear our own crosses daily.

Grant us the privilege of suffering for Your name, that we may also share in Your joy.

Let us remember Your strength in our weakness.

Open our eyes to the beauty of Your life.

Open our minds to the mystery of Your death.

Open our hearts to the depth of Your love.


Posterity shall serve him;

    it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation;

they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn,

    that he has done it.

Psalm 22:30-31

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1 comentário

Deb Hill
Deb Hill
02 de abr. de 2024

The interpretation of the resurrection in the painting is so curios. It maybe seen as ignorance or possibly artistic license to relate more clearly to the viewer, but is says the same thing!

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